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Burial or Cremation? Things to Consider September 20, 2017

One of the most significant (and sometimes difficult) decisions to be made when a loved one passes on is how to deal respectfully with their remains. Should you choose burial or cremation? If your dearly departed had time to plan, he or she may have discussed this with you; if not, the decision ultimately rest with the family. When making this important decision, it helps to keep a few things in mind.

The wishes of the deceased

In all cases, the most important thing to consider is what the deceased would have desired. If he/she mentions specific funeral wishes in a will, this makes the choice obvious and trumps all other factors. If you had a chance to discuss funeral arrangements before the passing, this could also be helpful. However, not everyone has the funeral wishes spelled out in this way, and you may have to use your best judgment as to whether your loved one would choose burial or cremation.

Family preferences

If the wishes of the deceased were not made clear beforehand, the next group of people to consider are family and loved ones left behind. What would bring the most sense of meaning in honoring this person’s passing? For some, it’s a graveside burial service; for others, it’s an open casket in a church. Others may find a deep sense of meaning in keeping the cremated ashes in an urn, or scattering them over a favorite place. Sometimes the best way to choose is to determine what would be most meaningful for the family.

The cost

As much as we may wish it otherwise, sometimes finances are a factor in choosing funeral arrangements. From an economic standpoint, cremation is one of the most affordable ways to memorialize a loved one. If this is just not an option for your family for any reason, some funeral homes offer budget
packages for burial, as well as economical choices for both urns and caskets.

Religious beliefs

While cremation has been an acceptable practice in many cultures, many people hold deep religious beliefs that prohibit cremation. If your loved one and/or significant members of your family would be offended by cremating the remains, this should definitely be taken into account out of respect for all involved. Likewise, there are some belief systems that favor cremation, and these should also be considered.

Decisions about dealing with the remains, choosing a casket or urn, memorial planning, military honors and other considerations are never easy. If you need assistance or have questions, a compassionate funeral home will be able to discuss your options and guide you through these decisions. In northwest Washington, Funeral Alternatives of Snohomish County offers affordable funeral arrangements and expert advice in a non-threatening, low-pressure environment. To discuss your choices between burial and cremation, they can be reached 24 hours a day at 1-888-381-6993.

Funeral Alternatives Blog

Written & Published By MORBiZ